Emergency aid

… from your fellow students.
Members of the ‘Verfassten Studierendenschaft‘ (all students of the University of Tübingen) can apply for financial aid in emergencies: the „Notlagenstipendium“.

From students for students!

The Student Council has set up an emergency fund in the budget of the ‚Verfassten Studierendenschaft‘. Part of the money that all students pay to the student council every semester is distributed in solidarity to those who are in existential need.
After all, successful studies should not depend on one’s own wallet or that of one’s parents.


  • You are provable in acute financial distress.
  • You are in need through no fault of your own (& have no debts).
  • You are not entitled to (parental/spousal) support or BAföG.
  • You do not have short-term access to your own reserves (e.g. a savings account).
  • The continuation of your studies is at risk, you cannot pay your rent or food.
  • For international students: the exemption from the tuition fee must be requested at the university (during the enrolment period, at the latest before the start of lectures) and include the university’s decision with your application.


  • Maximum funding period: three months
  • Funding amount: as much as you need, maximum BAföG maximum rate per month of funding (income e.g. from mini-job will be deducted; Health insurance and tuition fees must not be financed by the emergency aid)
  • Regardless of the assets of your parents or relatives
  • Does not have to be paid back


  • completed application form
  • all the necessary documents/attachments (see application form)
    including detailed statements of all your bank accounts (that also means accounts like PayPal, Money transfer, credit cards etc.) of the last three months
  • Certificate of enrolment (current semester)
  • International students: Proof that the deferral oft he tuition fee has been requested.

For data privacy reasons, the documents must be sent by post to the office of the Verfasste Studierendenschaft (Wilhelmstraße 30, 72074 Tübingen). If this is not possible for individual reasons, please contact us at notlagen(at)stura-tuebingen.de.
Requests that reach us without prior consultation only as an email must unfortunately be deleted unseen for data privacy reasons.

You can download the statutes here, which are the basis for the awarding of the funds.

Award Committee

The emergency scholarship is distributed by an award committee consisting of five students. Of these, at least two must be women, and a maximum of two members should be from the same faculty (major/elective faculty).

This is to ensure that the award committee reflects the student body as well as possible despite its small size. In order to ensure good cooperation with the rest of the student council, at least two members should belong to the student council.

Further support in emergencies

If you have submitted your BAföG application on time and it has not yet been processed, you are ENTITLED to an advance payment.
You can apply for it at the BAföG agency.

Furthermore, there is the possibility to apply for an interest-free loan from the Studierendenwerk to bridge the gap: https://www.my-stuwe.de/bafoeg/studienkredite/darlehen/

Other points of contact in case of financial hardship:

Scholarships may also be an option.

For international students who get into financial difficulties during their thesis:: Stibet Stipendien